Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One thing that drives me insane...

have you ever noticed that theres always a few people around that have to hear everyone's problems... from the insignificant to the most back breaking dilemma's? i seem to be one of those people. i don't mind. it kinda makes me feel good that i can try to be uplifting to someone else. but you know what really kills me? the one thing that drives me nuts? no one cares to listen to whats on my mind. my friends try, but then after a while they decide that all they can do is tell me to get over it, or quit thinking about it. my brain's being consumed by acid over here, and i'm supposed to forget it??? umm... ok, let me try that, and tell you how it works out. argh....! it just makes me mad that im nice enough to be there for people who won't do the same for me. through all the crying, and moping, and pouting, and even talk of suicide that i've had to listen to, you'd think someone, somewhere would be grateful to return the favor. well, thanks guys... sharing emotions is really the one thing i'm halfway maybe okay at... and know thats blocked of because i have no outlet. sigh....